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Tag: Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century

Blanchard: R...

This is the sixth install...

Blanchard on &#...

Welcome! This is the Fift...
John Cochrane

John Cochrane o...

This is the fourth instal...

John Cochrane o...

Welcome! This is the thir...

Scott Sumner on...

In this interview, Prof. Sumner talked about his view on why there is no "Keynesian Revolution" in macroeconomics after the Great Recession and what is Market Monetarism. You can also read the Part I of the interview, where Prof. Sumner discussed the findings from his new book, The Midas Paradox and his views on what caused the Great Depression.

Scott Sumner on...

Welcome! This is the firs...





咩係CLO – Collateralized Loan Obligations?


恆滯理論 — Secular Stagnation

Secular Stagnation 其實咩黎架?

咩係央行貨幣互換協議- Central Bank Swap Lines?

Central Bank Swap Lines(央行貨幣互換協議)通常兩間(或以上)嘅央行互相協定。例如聯儲局同歐洲央行講明當市況有需求時,可用市場匯價互借對方嘅貨幣。