我極之欣賞嘅經濟Blogger JP Koning發現左呢個情況 — Brexit公投後英國現金及硬幣嘅增長率持續下降,甚至錄得淨額減少嘅情況:
點解會咁?Koning諗左幾個解釋,例如最傳統嘅電子交易普及、英倫銀行推出左新嘅膠鈔,甚至Brexit令新移民減少而新移民嘅現金需求又偏高;但Koning認為呢幾個原因都唔係太可靠,最後佢指出現金增長減慢嘅成因,可能係最簡單嘅 Reversion to mean:
JP Koning 全篇網誌都好好睇,各位好應該去睇晒成篇:
Did Brexit break the banknote?
Nations never experience year-over-year declines in cash in circulation. Sweden (which I wrote about here, here, and here) is one of the rare exceptions. India is another, but this was due to its notorious botched demonetization attempt (which I wrote about here, here, here, and here).