這是Bloomberg 最近一篇報道《The Bond Market Prefers Dictators to Democracies》所引述的情況。在過去一年,被評定為不民主的多個國家的國債回報,平均較被評為民主自由的國債表現為好;前者的期內的回報為15%,而民主國家債券的回報則平均只有8.6%。



文章其中一個重點對比,是連入口糧食都唔夠美元用的獨裁國家委內瑞拉,在4月12日成功向債權人歸還25億美元;但在同一個星期,中美洲國家的民主國家薩爾瓦多(El Salvador)就因為總統與反對派在政府財政上不和,而令該國無法向當地一個退休金償還2900萬美元。

“Investors typically view the bonds of an autocratic regime very negatively and assign a very high default probability,” said Victor Fu, the director of emerging-market sovereign strategy at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. But “in an autocratic regime, the government remaining in power is considered more important than people’s welfare. Since a bond default likely will raise the risks for the government to be thrown out, the ruling party will do its best to prevent a credit event.”



Bloomberg: The Bond Market Prefers Dictators to Democracies

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