歐洲申訴專員會將會調查歐央行行長Mario Draghi,多年來為商界商界精英組織Group of Thirty的成員,有否違反法規。

“My decision to open this inquiry reflects the greater responsibilities the ECB has gained in recent years,” Ms O’Reilly told the Financial Times. “This altered context means the bank’s relations with the G30 warrant further scrutiny. My office has asked the ECB for a meeting and inspection of relevant documents to better understand how it is involved with the G30, any further steps will be considered in light of this.”

Group of Thirty為商界精英組織,成員的來頭甚猛,例如前歐行行長Jean Claude Trichet、前聯儲局主席Paul Volcker及伯南克、前美國財長Tim Geithner及Larry Summers、人行行長周小川、英倫銀行行長Mark Carney及日央行行長黑田東彥等。

但當中亦有不小銀行業高層,例如瑞信CEO Tidjiane Thiam、Blackrock副主席Philippe Hildebrand等成員,令人擔心背後有利益輸送。

Source: https://www.ft.com/content/f7db320e-057a-340f-95f4-18be2fa99f15

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