World Bank週一正式任命知名發展經濟學者Paul Romer為下一任首席經濟師,而Romer將於九月接正式就任,取替現任的Kaushik Basu。在任命聲明中,World Bank總裁金墉(김용,Jim Yong Kim)指相當高興該行可以請到像Romer這般卓越的學者,並希望Romer可以協助World Bank找出創新的方法,處理全球貧窮及貧富懸殊問題。

“We’re thrilled to have an economist as accomplished as Paul Romer join us,” said Kim. “We’re most excited about his deep commitment to tackling poverty and inequality and finding innovative solutions that we can take to scale.”

Romer則指出,經濟學最引人入勝之處在於它是一門可以應用於現實世界的學科,並可以幫助到數以百萬計的生命,而世上無其他地方比World Bank更能應用經濟學去幫助人。

“For me, the most exciting part of economics is going beyond knowledge that is only potentially useful to knowledge that is actually useful, and doing so on a scale that touches millions or billions of lives,” said Romer. “If this is what motivates you to come into the office each day, there is no better place to work than the World Bank.”

World Bank 聲明:

World Bank Group President Appoints Paul Romer as Chief Economist

From World Bank Names Paul Romer as Chief Economist via Econ記者

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