
目前來說,答案是正面的。按Bloomberg Businessweek 引述數據指出,係Instagram落左Sponsored Post的幾個服裝品牌,其Sponsored Post被like的次數明顯大增,如下圖:

多人like 有甚麼好處?

The greater value may come from attracting new followers, each one essentially extending an invitation to the brand to continue advertising directly in a user’s feed. According to Nitrogram, which gathers analytics on Instagram, Michael Kors gained an average of 54,000 followers in the 18 hours following each one of the company’s ads. ”If you have to do a little bit of advertising to get permission to engage, is it ultimately worth it?” says Apu Gupta, Curalate’s chief executive. “It may be.”


What the ads don’t offer is any clear way to drive immediate sales, since companies can’t include links. Instagram hasn’t yet offered any data on its first crop of ads, and a spokesperson for the company declined to comment. Just before the ads were launched, Emily White, Instagram’s director of business operations, said the value was somewhat unmeasurable, because the ads are more about branding than inspiring immediate transactions.

即係多人like唔等如賺到錢。不過要記得Instagram的母公司是Facebook,要Instagram廣告遲下有link? 其實唔難~

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