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Tag: Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century

Blanchard: R...

This is the sixth install...

Blanchard on &#...

Welcome! This is the Fift...
John Cochrane

John Cochrane o...

This is the fourth instal...

John Cochrane o...

Welcome! This is the thir...

Scott Sumner on...

In this interview, Prof. Sumner talked about his view on why there is no "Keynesian Revolution" in macroeconomics after the Great Recession and what is Market Monetarism. You can also read the Part I of the interview, where Prof. Sumner discussed the findings from his new book, The Midas Paradox and his views on what caused the Great Depression.

Scott Sumner on...

Welcome! This is the firs...





Operational Risk咩黎架?

Operational Risk(我譯作營運風險)係金融業中嘅重要風險管理概念,當中概括左同詐騙、違規交易、失實產品銷售、電腦系統失靈及cyberattack等經營管理錯失,可能對銀行或金融機構造成嘅損失。

Median CPI 同 Median PCE 嘅計法

Cleveland Fed有一個叫做Median CPI嘅另類通漲指標 -- 概念簡單,就係用通漲數據入面嘅中位數做作為通漲走勢嘅量度方法。

甚麼是Prospect Theory?

Prospect Theory? 咩黎架? 食唔食得架?