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Tag: Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century

Blanchard: R...

This is the sixth install...

Blanchard on &#...

Welcome! This is the Fift...
John Cochrane

John Cochrane o...

This is the fourth instal...

John Cochrane o...

Welcome! This is the thir...

Scott Sumner on...

In this interview, Prof. Sumner talked about his view on why there is no "Keynesian Revolution" in macroeconomics after the Great Recession and what is Market Monetarism. You can also read the Part I of the interview, where Prof. Sumner discussed the findings from his new book, The Midas Paradox and his views on what caused the Great Depression.

Scott Sumner on...

Welcome! This is the firs...





Repo – 回購 – 其實係咩黎?

Repo其實係個簡稱,全稱係Repurchase Agreement(回購協議),係金融市場上一種好常用嘅短期借貸方法。

金融海嘯前嘅聯儲局利率制度 – Corridor System

係2008年以前,聯儲局採用嘅利率操控制度係叫做Corridor System(走廊式),即係話個利率理論上可以係一個區域內上落;而個走廊嘅天花係Discount Rate(貼現窗利率),地板就係零息下限(Zero Lower Bound),聯邦儲備利率(Fed Fund Rate)理論上可以係呢兩個利率之間升跌上落。

Alchian-Allen效應? 用Essential Phone做例子解你知…

正如個名所講,呢個效應係由Armen Alchian(艾智仁)同 William R Allen係佢地嘅經典教科書 University Economics中提出。又因為Alchian是張五常教授嘅師傅,所以Alchian-Allen效應早就放入高考課程之內