
瑞士央行盈利仲多過Apple (BTW佢係間上市公司……) | 央行及貨幣政策觀察 | Econ記者

WSJ新嘅呢篇《Why the Swiss Central Bank’s Stock Is Up 150% in a Year》係篇Q&A形式嘅解釋文,當中就提到瑞士央行的股東是甚麼人。文章指瑞士央行共有10萬股股份,截至2016年底5.2萬股係由瑞士各個邦(Cantons)及它們管有的銀行所持有;但這批股份的股東投票權較其他為高,因此所有行政分區及銀行手上的股份共代表75%的投票權。餘下的4.8萬股則由私人投資者持有,他們的總投票權只有25%。


Who owns its shares?
There are 100,000 shares of the SNB. At the end of 2016, Swiss states, known as Cantons, and Cantonal banks owned a combined 52,000 shares and 75% of voting shares. Private shareholders owned 48,000 shares but only 25% of voting shares. The largest single shareholder at the end of 2016 was a German investor. Just as interesting is who doesn’t own shares: the SNB’s own governing council, according to the last annual report. An alternate board member owned one share.




Swiss Central Bank’s Profits and Stock Are at Records. Here’s Why

Shares of the Swiss National Bank have been on a tear this week after the central bank said it expected to report a 2017 profit of 54 billion francs ($55 billion). SNB shares were up 5% midday Friday at 4,800 francs, a record, capping a three-day surge of 17%.

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