早兩日講過Paul Romer在世銀與下屬不和,所以被迫放棄研究部的管理工作。以下有幾個跟進的報道:

1) Paul Romer在報道刊出當日,就正式回歸Twitter,而且有不少有趣的留言:

2) 另外,The Economist的跟進報道指出,2.6%的「And 對總字數比率」是學術論文的平均比例,更指出上一期的The Economist的「And 比率」只是1.5%,「合格」有餘。

And another thing: A spat over language erupts at the World Bank | The Economist

A WAR of words has flared up at the World Bank. Paul Romer, its new chief economist, has been stripped of control of the research division. An internal memo claimed that the change was to bring the operations department and research arm closer together.

3) 前Minneapolis聯儲銀行總裁Narayana Kocherlakota就計過聯儲局會後聲明的「And 比率」 ,指最新一份聲明的「And 比率」高達4.6%,較2007年時的2.4%顯著上升。

The End

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