
RBI Governor Rajan’s Fight Against Crony Capitalism –

The Governor of India’s Central Bank, Raghuram Rajan, is attacked for fighting the inefficiency of the banking system. In any country in the world, a central banker who has managed to reduce inflation from 11 percent to 5 percent while simultaneously enabling an increase in growth from 5 percent to 8 percent in just three years would have a guaranteed reconfirmation.

曾與Rajan多年同事及合著《Saving Capitalism from the Capitalist》的芝大商學院教授Luigi Zingales,就在芝大網誌Promarket大鬧反對Rajan的不少是Crony Capitalism。他的指出Rajan正提倡國有銀行要審慎批出貸款,令這群反對者的利益受損,所以反對者群起而攻之。


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