呢個係經濟學者Scott Sumner係網誌登出嘅圖,可以見到香港嘅Phillips Curve係相當直綫,而R square仲高達0.8。

而新加坡嘅Phillips Curve就係咁嘅:

有興趣嘅話,可以睇一睇網誌全文,睇下Sumner教授對兩條Phillips Curve嘅解讀。


A tale of two city-states – Econlib

It was the best of times; it was the second best of times. It’s natural to want to compare Hong Kong and Singapore. They are among the very richest non-oil producers in the world, at least among economies having more than 5 million people. They are both quite small, and mostly ethnic Chinese.

The End

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