IMF將會係今個月中(15至16日) 在美國舉行經濟學政治研討會,主題為《Rethinking Macro Policy III: Progress or Confusion?》,將為金融海融以來第三次就宏觀經濟政策作大型研討。
今次的研討會主辦人除IMF 首席經濟學家Olivier Blanchard 外,亦有印度財長Raghuram Rajan、 Ken Rogoff及Larry Summers。而為推介這研討會,Blanchard 就在IMF的網誌上撰文,講解現時宏觀經濟政策有何問題,實不失為一個宏觀經濟現實的入門好文。
《Contours of Macroeconomic Policy in the Future》 (Link: )
Blanchard 在文中基本講解六大範疇,並在提出一兩個基本問題,希望與會學者可以解答
1)Financial regulation
2)Macro Prudential Policies
3)Monetary Policy
4)Fiscal Policy
5)The International Monetary and Financial System
6)Capital inflows, exchange rate management and capital controls
Questions: Where do we stand? Are some dimensions of systemic risk easier to measure (e.g., leverage in the banking sector vs. interconnectedness of banks and non-banks or risks outside the banking sector)? How should we assess the experience with stress-tests? And have we made enough progress in reducing systemic risk since the crisis, e.g., with Dodd-Frank, the Vickers commission, the Financial Stability Board, etc?
Blanchard問,我們到底懂得量度何謂Systemic Risks (系統風險)沒有? 到底近年常用的壓力測試,成果為何又有否被量度過? 更重要是金融海嘯後大量新監管機制出現(如美國的Dodd-Frank法案、英國的Vickers Commission ,甚至全球合力的Financial Stability Board),是否就足以解決Systemic Risk 的問題?
1)Do we have or can we develop tools to deal with the different types of risk, from high housing prices, to insufficient capital in some financial institutions, to sudden drops in liquidity in some financial markets?
2) In this game of cat and mouse, can the macro prudential regulators hope to win? Or will regulation and tools become increasingly complex and possibly counterproductive?
之前講過,香港人其實本應好熟悉何謂宏觀審慎政策,可惜港媒永遠將之譯為「辣招」,亦永遠只看其可否「推冧樓市」。實際上,像金管局上月推出的收緊按揭成數比率(Loan to Value ratio) 是典型的宏觀審慎政策。
問題是,宏觀審慎政策是新興的政策方向,以前不論學界或政府都少有應用,令宏觀審慎政策仍停留在實驗階段。Blanchard 問,我們開發到壓抑樓市升幅、或解決金融機構資本不足等問題的工具沒有?而不停「小修小補」,最終又會否製造出一個龐大複雜但無用的金融調控機制?
Questions: What have we learned? Do these tools work?When should they be used, and how should they be articulated with the rest of the macro toolbox? Are there important differences in how advanced economies and emerging markets use (and should use) these tools? And what does the experience since the crisis say about the optimal opening of the capital account, even in the long run?
而在後金融海嘯時期,不論學界或是IMF等官方組織都開始認同,適度的資本管制(Capital Control)可能有助金融及經濟穩定,例子是塞浦路斯(Cyprus)在金融危機的高峰期,推行資本外流限制,配上當時的經濟援助(Bailout),確能解決塞國短期之難。這立場是90年代,自由市場主義興旺時期,難以想像。
Blanchard 問,學界是否能確定資本管制有效? 在成熟市場應用的效果,又是否與在新興市場的效果一樣?而長綫資本開放政策,開放幾多才「理想」(Optimal) ?
以上問題,Blanchard 希望參與研討會的學者,可以提供答案。各位讀者如果與小記一樣,想知道學界的答案為何,不妨一齊看看這研討會有何突破性發佈!