這個算是昨日在雜誌 #收錢Post 的一個跟進報道。在出席KPMG Football Benchmark的發佈活動時,奪得「歐洲霸主」之位的曼聯的CFO Cliff Baty有份出席演講。


Speaking at the KPMG Football Benchmark event in London on Wednesday. Cliff Baty, the English Premier League side’s chief financial officer said that last summer’s Brexit vote, which led to a sharp drop in the pound against the euro, had complicated the transfers of big-name players.

“It was a bit difficult last year when we were trying to make signings and you had players questioning the value of being paid in sterling,” he said.

“A lot of European players will want to be paid in euros, understandably to a degree. But we are a sterling company . . . [and] managing that is quite tricky.”

另一個Brexit 相關的問題,是歐盟是容許區內國家的16-18歳球員到英國球會的青年軍效力,但Brexit之後可能令英國球會更難簽下歐洲年輕球員,像法比加斯16歳加盟阿仙奴的情況可能會減少。

“It was a practical operational issue around bringing in players, and losing competitive advantage against Real Madrid and Barcelona,” he said. “You could get 16-year-olds going to them, if we have to wait until they are 18 [to sign youth players].”

Source: Top overseas footballers seeking euro pay packets

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