耶倫在演講《Macroeconomic Research After the Crisis》中,提到另一個金融海嘯後,宏觀經濟學者可作更多研究的方向,就是「通脹是如何形成的」。

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跟耶倫學宏觀經濟學研究 — 背景 | EconReporter



Theory and evidence suggest that this trend is strongly influenced by inflation expectations that, in turn, depend on monetary policy. In particular, the remarkable stability of various measures of expected inflation in recent years presumably represents the fruits of the Federal Reserve’s sustained efforts since the early 1980s to bring down and then stabilize inflation at a low level.

The anchoring of inflation expectations that has resulted from this policy does not, however, prevent actual inflation from fluctuating from year to year in response to the temporary influence of movements in energy prices and other disturbances. In addition, inflation will tend to run above or below its underlying trend to the extent that resource utilization–which may serve as an indicator of firms’ marginal costs–is persistently high or low…




今次就找來耶倫在演講中提及,由Olivier Blanchard寫的短文《The US Phillips Curve:Back to the 60s?》。此文的主題就是整理數據,觀察通脹動態的改變,例如Phillips Curve的斜度、通脹預期的重要性等。

續見《美國的Phillips Curve有幾斜?

值得一提,是這短文為之前提及由Blanchard、Larry Summers及Eugenio Cerutti合著的《Inflation and Activity – Two Explorations and their Monetary Policy Implications》 的延伸。

The End

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