Rajan 在一份發放予印央行員工的信件上表明,自己在九月任期完結後,就會返回學界,不會再留任。

Rajan "step down" Letter


而一直在印度國內極力反對Rajan連任的國會議員Subramanian Swamy,就在Twitter上讚揚Modi(文中的Namo)不屈服於傳媒及國外勢力的壓力,成功趕走Rajan(文中的R3)。

但當然,國際上不少經濟學者都對Rajan不連任感到可惜。按Bloomberg報道,Larry Summers就表Rajan為少數可以改變一個國家的貨幣政策體制的行長,他希望未來印度仍會以Rajan的政策作發展基礎。

“Ragu Rajan will be missed. He is one of the few central bank governors who has changed the regime in a major country. This is a major accomplishment. I hope very much for the sake of India and the global economy that his policy innovations are a foundation for what is to come.”

而早前撰文大鬧反對勢力是Crony Capitalism的芝大商學院教授Luigi Zingales就指,Rajan回歸Chicago Booth商學院對他們來說是好事,損失的只是印度。

From Rajan Says He Will Leave India Central Bank When Term Ends via Econ記者

The End

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